Book Retreat
- How does it work?
Each course is payable upon arrival.
A deposit is required to secure your booking (find out more below).
By booking a Men’s Hearts’ Retreat, you agree to follow the rules set out here.
- Accommodation:
Each Retreat Center that hosts Men’s Hearts’ Retreats offers shared rooms, couple rooms and in single rooms (subject to availability).
Check out the rates and accommodation conditions for the Retreat Center you are interested in:
- near Paris, click here
- in Drôme County (Lyon region, South-East of France), click here
- in Spain, click here
Full board accommodation is payable onsite.
- Registration Form :
After a first confirmation email, you will be invited to send a €200 deposit by bank transfer in order to validate your registration.
You will receive a roadmap email several days before the beginning of the Retreat, containing all its related information.
Your contact details will be communicated to the other participants before the beginning of the Retreat, to help you organise carpooling.
* : The purpose of the deposit is to validate your registration.
If, for any reason whatsoever, you have to cancel your participation, your deposit will allow you to book another Retreat within 12 months starting from the date of reception of this deposit.
Shall you cancel less than one month before the opening of the Retreat, your deposit will be definitively lost. Shall you cancel less than two weeks before the opening of the Retreat, it’s due in full.
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